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Norway’s official websites abroad

Visas to Iceland

Since the Republic of Iceland does not have its own embassy in Ukraine, the Norwegian Embassy in Kiev renders assistance on visa issues.

The issuing of visas for Ukrainian citizens to Iceland is made according to Norwegian visa regulations. The applicant is requested to use the Norwegian application form. If the visa application is approved by the Norwegian Embassy the applicant will get a Schengen visa. If the application does not meet the requirements set by Norwegian visa regulations the application will be submitted to the Icelandic Immigration Service for consideration.

For more detailed information on visa procedures, please see the attached link. We only issue short term C-visas on the behalf of the Icelandic Immigration Authorities (UTL). D-visas only upon written decision from UTL. A list of necessary documents can be found in "appendix 1". The difference in demands of documents for those applying for a visa to go to Iceland regards means of support and the invitation letter.

Means of support:
Since there is not an Icelandic equivalent to the Norwegian “Guarantee Form for Visits” a foreigner must prove that his/hers means of support is sufficient for the proposed period of stay in the Schengen zone. Minimum amount is ISK 20,000, or ISK 4,000 (aprox. 65 USD) per day during the period applied for.  This amount is reduced to ISK 2,000 per day, if the foreigner is guaranteed free secure accommodation, e.g. in a private home. Please note that a host can not guarantee the support of a foreigner, except in cases of minor children, spouses or parents of the host.

Invitation Letter – Purpose of Visit:
The Norwegian Embassy requires an original letter of invitation from the person who invites with a confirmation of the signature made by Icelandic public authorities/confirmation from a company or organization wherein the purpose of the visit is stated.

In the case of a family visit, it must be stated what the relationship is between the host and the applicant. Furthermore the Embassy/Directorate requests that the applicant provides documentation to prove family ties. If the purpose is to visit a fiancé, the Embassy/Directorate requests that the invitation letter state how long the host and his visitor have known each other and whether/when they have met. Copies of the relevant pages of the Icelandic passport should be enclosed to prove this

Work and residence permit:
Applications for work and residence permit will not be handled by the Norwegian Embassy. In cases when the Icelandic Immigration Authorities already have granted a permit, the Norwegian Embassy can issue a D-visa. For information regarding Icelandic regulations on work and residence permit, please see the attached link to the Icelandic Immigration Services/ Utlendingastofnun.

Please note that all documents from the inviting party should be sent to the applicant, not to the Embassy.

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