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Norway’s official websites abroad


Published 15/10/2012 // 

"Європейський Союз відіграє ключову роль в зусиллях із забезпечення миру і демократії в Європі."

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Published 06/09/2012 // 

Dersom du utvandret fra Norge mellom 1960 og 1975, og siden ikke har vært bostedsregistrert i Norge, bes du ta kontakt med ambassaden før du søker om nytt pass.

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Published 08/02/2012 // 

Embassy funded projects and development cooperation

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Published 15/01/2011 // 

In the 1990s and early 2000s the Norwegian government supported projects of humanitarian assistance and poverty reduction in some communities or segments of society. The government also provided support to the transportation of humanitarian aid collected by private persons or organisations in Norway.

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Published 15/01/2011 // 

Norway and Ukraine established diplomatic relations in 1992, shortly after Ukraine regained its independence. In 1992 the Norwegian Embassy in Kiev was established.

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Published 14/10/2009 // 

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Published 04/06/2009 // 

Norway regards Ukraine as a country with developing economy and growing market opportunities, which has chosen to integrate actively with global and European markets through the membership in the World Trade Organization and through the ongoing negotiation of a deep and comprehensive free trade agreement with the European Union.

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Published 09/11/2008 // 

Relations between the territories of present-day Ukraine and Norway can be traced more than a thousand years back in time.

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