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Norway’s official websites abroad

The Norwegian Embassy will outsource receipt of visa applications

Last updated: 08/02/2012 // On 2 February 2012 the Norwegian Embassy in Kiev, in a ceremony at the Ambassador’s residence, signed an agreement with VF Worldwide Holdings Ltd (VFS) for outsourcing of receiving visa applications and applications for residence permits. Applicants can start using VFS’ application centres from 14 February.

The agreement between the Norwegian Embassy and VFS means that those applying for a visa or a residence permit from Ukraine will be able to submit their documents at VFS’ Visa Application Centres in Kiev, Donetsk, Kharkiv, Lviv and Odessa. This means a shorter travel for most applicants, and as VFS has a bigger capacity to receive applications, there will be a shorter time to wait before the application and supporting documents can be submitted. VFS informs that they will normally be able to receive any applicant within one to three days of contacting them.

Applications will still have to be registered online at https://selfservice.udi.no.

VFS will charge a handling fee of € 25,20 in addition to the application fee paid when registering the application online.

 As a consequence of the cooperation with VFS, the Embassy will reduce the possibility for submitting documents directly to the Visa Section. It will still be possible to book an appointment with us directly online as before, but the waiting time for getting an appointment will probably increase.

The Royal Norwegian Embassy in Kiev believes that this new arrangement will be to the benefit of our applicants and the Embassy alike.

For more information about VFS please visit their websites at: http://www.vfsglobal.com/

For more information about visas and residence permits to Norway please see: http://norway.com.ua/Embassy/Schengen-Visas-and-other-permits/

The Embassy will give more information about the changes this entails on our websites shortly.

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