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Basic Research

Pure research is important to all areas of society and is a vital factor in higher education and researcher recruitment. Pure research has also laid the foundation for wealth creation in Norway in areas such as the oil and gas, aluminium and aquaculture industries.

Norway’s expenditure on pure research comprises approximately 18 per cent of total operating expenditure on R&D. The figure is not particularly high in international terms, but this can be explained by the fact that there are only a few companies in the Norwegian business sector that are large enough and have sufficient resources to carry out their own pure research. Just under 7 per cent of pure research in Norway is carried out in the private sector, whereas nearly three-quarters is carried out at universities and university colleges.

One of the main priorities of Norway’s research policy is to further strengthen long-term pure research efforts in all subject areas at universities, university colleges and research institutes. These institutions form the cornerstone of the Norwegian research system: this is where research-based teaching takes place, where new researchers are recruited, and where new knowledge is generated and disseminated to society and industry. Enhancing and maintaining these institutions is one of the Government’s main tasks.

  • More resources and more predictable research funding will be given to higher education institutions. New and more results-orientated forms of funding were introduced in 2002.
  • Allocations through the Research Council of Norway for long-term pure research are to be increased.
  • Scientific equipment at the institutions is to be updated and supplemented.
  • More researchers are to be recruited.
  • Efforts to achieve gender equality within the research sector will be intensified.
  • Special efforts will be made to recruit women to the fields of mathematics and natural sciences, and to top scientific positions.

Source: Norwegian Ministry of Education and Research   |   Share on your network   |   print