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Centre for Ibsen Studies

Last updated: 08/10/2009 //

Centre for Ibsen Studies at the University of Oslo has as its aim the strengthening and co-ordinating of Ibsen research nationally and internationally.

The Centre for Ibsen Studies was established in 1992 under a resolution passed by the Senate of the University of Oslo and is intended to be an information and service body for Norwegian and foreign Ibsen researchers and theatre workers. In addition the Centre is to conduct research projects under its own auspices.

The Centre arranges seminars, conferences and lecture series and is offering an interdisciplinary and international master`s degree in Ibsen Studies. The Centre houses the world`s largest collection of books and other material by and about Ibsen and is responsible for The International Ibsen bibliography.

The Library at the Centre for Ibsen Studies comprises:

The Book Collection: Ibsen´s plays and poems, individual works, selected and collected works in Norwegian editions and in translation. Literature on the plays and on Ibsen, and supporting literature such as general history of literature, theory of drama, literary analysis, history of the theatre etc.

The Article Collection: Contains articles from Norwegian and foreign papers and periodicals in addition to theatre reviews and book reviews. The archives include material going right back to Ibsen´s own time.

Theatre material: Theatre programmes and posters from stage productions in Ibsen´s time and up to the present day. Most of Ibsen´s plays are included.

Sound recordings and audio-visual material: The Centre has a number of sound recordings and audio-visual material for internal use by members of staff and visiting researchers at the Centre.

Ibsen´s own books: Part of Henrik Ibsen´s own book collection was donated to the University Library by Sigurd Ibsen´s heirs. The collection is now housed in the Ibsen Centre.

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