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Norway’s official websites abroad

Against Trafficking

Trafficking in women and children is a modern form of slavery. Each year many thousand women and children are taken from one country to another, often from Eastern to Western Europe, as a part of a trade in human beings. While the primary purpose of this trade is sexual exploitation, it also serves as a source of illicit labour.

Trafficking represents an aggravated form of sexualized violence that is incompatible with the principle of gender equality. Women and children afflicted by poverty are particularly vulnerable to traffickers, who are motivated by profit and in many cases involved in organized crime. Human trafficking comprises a serious form of organized crime and constitutes a grave violation of human rights.

In 2003, Norway launched its first Plan of Action to Combat Trafficking in Women and Children. This action plan contains measures to protect and assist the victims, prevent human trafficking and prosecute the organizers.

In 2002 the Norwegian Government introduced ethical guidelines for civil servants to prohibit the purchase and acceptance of sexual services. The basis for the resolution is the increasing problem posed by international prostitution and the trafficking of women and children for sexual purposes. The guidelines send a clear signal as to the ethical and moral standards Norwegian senior officials and civil servants are expected to observe.
The introduction of these guidelines emphasizes the government’s role as a good example. In this way, the authorities and the government as employers seek to assume the responsibility in principle for preventing people from being degraded as victims of human trafficking for sexual purposes.

Source: By the Norwegian Ministry of Children and Family Affairs   |   Share on your network   |   print