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Norway’s official websites abroad
Stortinget, the Norwegian Parliament. Photo: Petter Foss / MFA.Stortinget, the Norwegian Parliament. Photo: Petter Foss / MFA
About Norway //

The Storting (Norwegian national assembly) has served as the highest political body in Norway since the introduction of Parliamentarianism in 1884. Elections to the Storting are held every fourth year, and mandates are distributed according to a system of proportional representation. The Government is selected on behalf of the King from within the Storting.

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Oslo Town Hall. Photo: Petter Foss/ MFA Norway.
About Norway //

Norway is divided into 19 counties and 430 municipalities (2008). The powers of the county and municipal councils for self-government have been delegated from the State, and are set out in legislation, not in the Constitution.  The State is directly represented at a local level through the County Governors’ offices. The municipalities are the most important units of local government...

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About Norway //

Traditionally, the Judiciary is known as the third branch of government. The ordinary courts of law in Norway consist of the Supreme Court of Justice (Høyesterett), the Interlocutory Appeals Committee of the Supreme Court (Høyesteretts kjæremålsutvalg), the Courts of Appeal (lagmannsrettene), the District Courts (tingrett), and the Conciliation Courts (forliksrådet), as well as several special...

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Photo: Petter Foss /MFA Norway.
About Norway //

In formal terms, Norway is a constitutional monarchy with a parliamentary democratic system of governance. Democratic because the source of political power and legitimacy according to the Constitution lies with the people, in that all citizens are able to participate in the Storting (Norwegian national assembly), county and municipal councils.  Parliamentary in as much as the Government, as t

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The Norwegian Government. Photo: Petter Foss/ MFA Norway.
About Norway //

The Government serves as the executive power. Its most important functions are to submit bills and budget proposals to the Storting (Norwegian national assembly) and implement decisions through the Ministries. The Government is derived from the Storting and is headed by the Prime Minister. Formally speaking, it is the King who asks the majority party to form a government or a viable coalition....

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The Royal Castle. Photo: Petter Foss/ MFA Norway.
About Norway // Last updated: 24/06/2010 //

The tradition of Norwegian kingship in various forms extends back more than a thousand years. Norway was part of a union with Denmark from 1381 to 1814 and then with Sweden from 1814 until 1905, when it once more became independent under Haakon VII of Norway.

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