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Norway’s official websites abroad

Frequently asked questions

This is a list of our frequently asked questions concerning visas, residence permit and the application portal.


General Visa Questions

Residence Permit Questions

Application Portal

General Visa Questions

What is a visa?
What does single, double and multiple visa mean?
Do I have to submit the documents personally?
Does a child have to submit the documents personally?
I have paid the consular fee but my plans have changed, I do not need a visa to Norway anymore. Can I get my money back?
I have received the Invitation and Guarantee Form. For how long are these documents valid?
Where should I affix my photo on the application?
There was a stamp put to my passport when I applied for a visa. What does it mean?
I want to go abroad, outside the Schengen area, while my case is being considered. Can I take my passport from the visa section?
How and when can I get my passport?
Why was my application rejected?
I want the reference to appeal the rejection for me. What should I do?
I will apply for multiply entry visa for 90 days. Do I have to buy insurance policy for 90 days?
I live in Belarus. Do I need to go to the Royal Norwegian Embassy in Kiev to apply for a visa?
I was requested to bring additional documents. How and when can I do that?
I have a multiply entry visa from another Schengen country. Can I travel to Norway?
Can I apply for a Norwegian visa when I have a visa from another Schengen country?
What are the requirements for the passport photo?
When should I start applying for a visa?
I am a seaman, what exemptions from the visa requirements are there?

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General Visa Questions

What is a visa?
A visa is a permit to enter and stay in Norway or the Schengen countries for a limited period of time. Ukrainian nationals are required to have a valid visa when entering and during their stay in Norway.

What does single, double and multiple visa mean?
A visa may be issued with one, two or unlimited entries to the Schengen countries. To apply for double or multiple entry visas, you have to present a valid reason for doing so. For more information about our multi-visa practices.

Do I have to submit the documents personally?
The applicant must appear in person when lodging the application.

Does a child have to submit the documents personally?
All applicants have to appear in person for taking biometrics.From 0 to 99 years-old

I have paid the consular fee but my plans have changed, I do not need a visa to Norway anymore. Can I get my money back?
Yes. To get a refund you have to write a letter explaining the situation to the visa section. Use this e-mail:

I have received the Invitation and Guarantee Form. For how long are these documents valid?
The Invitation and Guarantee Form should not be older than 6 months on the date of submitting the application.

Where should I affix my photo on the application?
You receive a Cover letter on e-mail as a PDF-attachment after you have registered your application at the Application Portal. Print the Cover letter and attach the photograph in the upper right corner of the cover letter.

There was a stamp put to my passport when I applied for a visa. What does it mean?
The stamp means that you have submitted documents to the Royal Norwegian Embassy for consideration. In case of a positive decision the visa will be affixed to that place.

I want to go abroad, outside the Schengen area, while my case is being considered. Can I take my passport from the visa section?
Yes. (How and when can I get my passport?)

How and when can I get my passport?
The applicant can take her/his passport from the Visa section every working day at 10.00, 11.00 or 12.00.To get the passport the applicant should present the receipt that was given out when submitting the application. Another person can do this with a written permission and signature from the applicant and a valid passport for identification.

Why was my application rejected?
In accordance to the Public Administration Act (Forvaltningsloven) a letter of rejection with the reason for this is always sent by registered mail to the applicant. The reasons can neither be explained over the telephone nor sent by e-mail. The applicant has the right to appeal within 3 weeks from receiving the original letter of rejection.

I want the reference to appeal the rejection for me. What should I do?
A letter of proxy can be found here. Please remember that this form cannot substitute the personal appearance during the applying for a visa.

I will apply for multiply entry visa for 90 days. Do I have to buy insurance policy for 90 days?
The applicant has to get insurance policy for the time of the first visit to Norway. It is the personal responsibility of the applicant to obtain insurance policies for next visits to Norway.

I live in Belarus. Do I need to go to the Royal Norwegian Embassy in Kiev to apply for a visa?
If the applicant is a Belarusian citizen she/he may apply for C-visa at the French Embassy in Minsk. If the Belarusian citizen applies for a multiply entry visa or for a residence permit, the application should be submitted to the visa section at the Royal Norwegian Embassy in Kiev.

I was requested to bring additional documents. How and when can I do that?
The applicant can submit additional documents to the Visa section every working day at 10.00, 11.00 and 12.00. There is no need to register or book a new appointment. Please bring the receipt that was given when submitting the application.

I have a multiply entry visa from another Schengen country. Can I travel to Norway?
With multiply entry visa given by any Schengen country’s foreign mission it is possible to travel to any country in the Schengen area. But please remember that the majority of visits in Schengen have to be in the member state who issued the visa.

Can I apply for a Norwegian visa when I have a visa from another Schengen country?
A person cannot have two valid Schengen visas at the same time. If the applicant wishes to have a Norwegian visa, other valid Schengen visas in her/his passport must be annulled first.

What are the requirements for the passport photo?
The photograph must:
• Be in sharp focus, clear and with good contrast.
• Be printed on high quality photo paper with high resolution.
• Be in color.
• Be 35-40 mm in width.
• Be maximum 6 months old and resemble the applicant.
• Be taken straight from the front, against a light background.
• Show the whole head and the top of the shoulders.
• The face should occupy 70-80% of the image.
• Show your eyes open and clearly visible.
• Hair shall not cover the eyes.
• Glasses are allowed, provided that the eyes are clearly visible.
• The glasses should not be colored.
• The frame must not cover any of the eyes.
• There should be no reflection in the glasses.
Religious headgear:
• It is allowed with religious headgear, provided that all details of the face are clearly visible.
• The chin, forehead and both cheeks must be visible.

When should I start applying for a visa?
You can apply three months before your intended visit. We recommend that you start the process of application in due time.

I am a seaman, what exemptions from the visa requirements are there?
Some seamen are exempted from the visa requirements to Norway, as described in the Immigration Regulation section 3-1.

This means that Ukrainian seamen embarking on vessels at a Norwegian port can travel on their seamen book to Norway without any Norwegian Schengen Visa. However, if a seaman needs to transit another Schengen country in order to get to Norway, she/he needs to enquire for a Schengen visa at the Embassy of that country one are planning to transit. In this connection, please find the enclosed document.

For instance, if a seaman embarks on a ship at a Norwegian port and wishes to transit through Poland on the way to Norway, he/she should apply for a visa at the Embassy of Poland, as he/she is exempted from the visa requirements to Norway.

Furthermore, seamen joining a vessel in a port outside Norway should apply for a transit visa to the Schengen member state where the port is located. This is regulated in the Immigration Regulation section 3-16. The fact that the vessel is registered in Norway or owned by a Norwegian shipping company is not relevant, as the same regulations apply nevertheless.

For instance, if a seaman needs to join a Norwegian vessel at Danish port, he/she needs to apply for a visa at the Embassy of Denmark. It is not relevant if the seaman wishes to transit through Norway on the way to the Denmark or not, as he/she is exempted from the visa requirements to Norway.

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Residence Permit - Frequently asked questions

How do I apply for a residence permit to Norway?
How do I apply for a work and residence permit to Iceland?
Where do I get the Apostille stamp?
Can I apply both for C-visa and for a residence permit?
Can I travel to Norway or to another country while my application for D-visa is being considered?
I have a child from a previous marriage. How do I apply for a residence permit?
Should I prepare the documents according to the list on UDIs website or the Royal Embassy in Kiev?
Can my employer apply for a residence permit on the purpose of work on my behalf?

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Residence permit - Frequently asked questions

How do I apply for a residence permit to Norway?
The citizens of Ukraine, Belarus and Moldova can apply for a residence permit at the Royal Norwegian Embassy in Kiev.

How do I apply for a work and residence permit to Iceland?
To apply for work and residence permit to Iceland, follow this link to Utlendingastofnun. If the Icelandic Immigration Authorities grant the permit, the Royal Norwegian Embassy in Kiev can issue the D-visa.

Where do I get the Apostille stamp?
To obtain an Apostille stamp you must find out who gives the Apostille stamp in your country of origin/residence. This varies from country to country. In Ukraine the Ministry of Justice is responsible for this. While in Norway it is Fylkesmannen.

Can I apply both for C-visa and for a residence permit?
No. There cannot be two applications at the same time for the same person. You will have to choose.

Can I travel to Norway or to another country while my application for D-visa is being considered?
No. After submitting documents for D-visa the applicant is supposed to stay in the country of residence.

I have a child from a previous marriage. How do I apply for a residence permit?
The parent should apply for a residence permit. The child could apply for family immigration when the parent is granted residence permit (see: "How do I apply for family immigration"). It is possible to apply for a residence permit for the parent and family immigration at the same time. The UDI will first process the application for residence permit, then the application for family immigration. For more information, please look at the link above.

Should I prepare the documents according to the list on UDIs website or the Royal Embassy in Kiev?
While the UDI have general information about visa applications, the embassies have information locally specific. The applicant should rely on the information from the embassy.

Can my employer apply for a residence permit on the purpose of work on my behalf?
Your employer can apply on your behalf if you authorize her/him in writing to do so. You must complete the authorization section of the application form or submit the authorization form. Your employer submits the application to the local police.

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Application Portal - Frequently asked questions

I want to invite someone to visit me in Norway. Can I register them on the Application Portal?
Is there any other way to pay the consular fee?
Why doesn’t the Application Portal accept my password?
How can I be sure that I’ve paid the consular fee?

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Application Portal - Frequently asked questions

I want to invite someone to visit me in Norway. Can I register them on the Application Portal?
Yes. The reference may register, pay and book an appointment for applicants if necessary.

Is there any other way to pay the consular fee?
No. Consular fee is paid only via Application Portal by a card.

Why doesn’t the Application Portal accept my password?
The password must be at least 8 characters long, and contain a combination of upper case characters, lowercase characters and digits.

How can I be sure that I’ve paid the consular fee?
You receive the cover letter as a PDF attachment on e-mail as a confirmation of successful payment and registration.

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