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Guarantee Declaration

Last updated: 02/05/2011 // In order to be granted a visa, you must have sufficient funds to cover your travel costs and your stay in Norway. The funds for your travel costs and your stay may be guaranteed by a reference person living in Norway.

A reference person who is to stand as financial guarantor for a visa applicant must fill out a guarantee form for visits. By completing and signing this guarantee declaration, the reference person guarantees to be financially responsible for expenses incurred in connection with the visa applicant’s stay in Norway. The reference person also guarantees any expenses incurred by the state if the visa applicant fails to return to his/her country of origin before the expiry of the visa, and so has to be deported at the expense of the state. Such a guarantee declaration is in itself not sufficient for a visa to be granted, but is intended to help those who do not have sufficient funds of their own to cover their travel costs and stay during the period of the visa.
Guarantee Form.

The guarantee declaration must be stamped by the police (not by embassy/consulate). The police must be shown the necessary documentation that the reference person has sufficient means to provide for the applicant during the period in question. The reference person must send the stamped guarantee declaration to the applicant, so that it can be included with the visa application. The reference person must not send the guarantee declaration directly to the Foreign Service mission or the UDI.

Guarantee for business travelers
Business travellers from countries with a visa requirement, who will be in Norway for less than three months over a six-month period, and who will not be receiving a wage from the Norwegian client/partner for their stay, do not require a work permit. However, they are subject to the same visa rules as all other visa applicants.
There is no requirement for companies/businesses to submit a guarantee declaration. It is sufficient to provide a written invitation on the headed paper of the company in Norway, explaining who will be coming, how long they will be staying in Norway, and the purpose of their stay. If the inviting company is accepting financial responsibility with regard to the travel costs and stay, this must be made clear in the invitation. In the case of small companies/businesses, the invitation must state the company registration number as listed in the Brønnøysund register.

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