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Norway’s official websites abroad

Multiple entry visa practice at the Royal Norwegian Embassy in Kyiv

Last updated: 28/04/2011 //

Multiple entry visas with maximum 90 days validity:

A Schengen visa is generally issued for a single entry. If the applicant plans to travel outside the Schengen area and return within the period of the visa, the box for “Two entries” or “Multiple entries” must be ticked off in the visa application form. The Embassy will then assess whether there is a genuine need to issue a multiple entry visa.

The practice regarding visas for multiple entries has changed for certain categories of applicants who are citizens of Ukraine. This follows from the Visa Facilitation Agreement (VFA) between Ukraine and Norway which came into force on September 1st 2011. Article 5 of the agreement, which lists the different categories, is reproduced in full at the bottom of this page.

The application must be accompanied by an explanation of why two or more entries are required, and, if relevant, a flight booking showing that the applicant also plans to visit countries outside the Schengen area, i.e. United Kingdom/Ireland, USA or any of the countries that are not members of the Schengen Agreement.

The requirement in these cases is that the applicant submits a travel/health insurance which is valid for the first trip. Please, be aware of the responsibility you have to provide travel insurance for your later trips.

Persons in the following categories may be granted multiple entry Schengen visa valid for up to one year:

  • Bona fide business partners of Norwegian companies that frequently visit Norway.
  • Foreign officials who are to attend meetings in Norway (official meeting)
  • Persons who are to participate in scientific, cultural or sports-related official programs.
  • Spouses of Norwegian citizens and parents, children and spouses of persons with a valid work/residence permit in Norway.
  • Spouses of Norwegian citizens and parents, children and spouses of Norwegian citizens.

A multiple entry visa with a validity of up to one year may in certain cases be granted by the Embassy. For the Embassy to grant such a multiple entry visa all the general requirements for a regular Schengen visa must be fulfilled (valid passport, flight booking, documentation of sufficient funds, travel medical insurance etc.).

The applicant must also:

1.      Document previous frequent trips to Norway
2.      Have previously complied with the visa regulations by leaving the Schengen area within the expiry of the visa
3.      Document a genuine future need for multiple entries to Norway during a one year period

Please be aware that this practice does not apply for tourists.
An applicant who has been granted a multiple entry visa with a validity of up to 12 months and has complied with the visa regulations, may then apply for a multiple entry visa for two or three years, provided that the need for such a visa is documented. Later it is possible to apply for a five years multiple entry visa. 

The requirement in these cases is that the applicant submits a travel medical insurance which is valid for at least one year. Please be advised that even with a one year multiple entry visa, the applicant cannot stay in the Schengen area more than 90 days within any 6-month period.

A condition for every application is that the applicant has previously complied with the visa regulations by leaving the Schengen area within the expiry of the visa.

In each application, the previous visit(s) to Norway (as the main destination) must be verified (by tickets, boarding passes, entry/exit stamps in passport, hotel receipts, transcript from you banking account confirming payments in NOK and any other proof).

It is a condition for granting a visa that the applicant returns to his/her country of origin/residence before the expiry of the visa. Work is prohibited.

Visa Facilitation Agreement Article 5

Issuance of multiple-entry visas

1. Diplomatic missions and consular posts of The Kingdom of Norway shall issue multiple-entry visas with the term of validity of up to five years to the following categories of the citizens of Ukraine:

a) members of national and regional Governments and Parliaments, Constitutional and Supreme Courts if they are not exempted from the visa requirement by the present Agreement, in the exercise of their duties, with a term of validity limited to their term of office if this is less than 5 years;

b) permanent members of official delegations who, following official invitations addressed to Ukraine, shall regularly participate in meetings, consultations, negotiations or exchange programmes, as well as in events held in the territory of The Kingdom of Norway by intergovernmental organisations;

c) spouses and children (including adopted), who are under the age of 21 or are dependant, and parents (including custodians) visiting citizens of Ukraine legally residing in the territory of The Kingdom of Norway with the term of validity limited to the duration of the validity of their authorisation for legal residence.

d) business people and representatives of business organisations who regularly travel to The Kingdom of Norway;

e) journalists.

2. Diplomatic missions and consular posts of The Kingdom of Norway shall issue multiple-entry visas with the term of validity of up to one year to the following categories of the citizens of Ukraine, provided that during the previous year they have obtained at least one visa, have made use of it in accordance with the laws on entry and stay of the visited State and that there are reasons for requesting a multiple-entry visa:

a) drivers conducting international cargo and passenger transportation services to the territory of The Kingdom of Norway in vehicles registered in Ukraine;

b) members of train, refrigerator and locomotive crews in international trains, travelling to the territory of The Kingdom of Norway;

c) persons participating in scientific, cultural and artistic activities, including university and other exchange programmes, who regularly travel to The Kingdom of Norway;

d) participants in international sports events and persons accompanying them in a professional capacity;

e) participants in official exchange programmes organized by twin cities.


3. Diplomatic missions and consular posts of The Kingdom of Norway shall issue multiple-entry visas with the term of validity of a minimum of 2 years and a maximum of 5 years to the categories of persons referred to in paragraph 2 of this Article, provided that during the previous two years they have made use of the one year multiple-entry visas in accordance with the laws on entry and stay of the visited State and that the reasons for requesting a multiple-entry visa are still valid.

 The total period of stay of the persons referred to in paragraphs 1 to 3 of this Article shall not exceed 90 days per period of 180 days in the territory of The Kingdom of Norway and any other Schengen Member State. 

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