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The 17th of March 2009 H.E. Mr. Olav Berstad officially opened the Ukrainian-Norwegian Fridtjof Nansen Cultural and Cooperation Centre in Kharkiv. Carrying the name of the famous Norwegian polar scientist, explorer, diplomat and humanist the centre’s aim will be to increase contact and exchange between Norway and Ukraine.

03/04/2009 :: Official opening

The Ukrainian-Norwegian centre was created on the initiative of the Ukrainian-Norwegian Amity Society in Kharkiv. The Fridtjof Nansen Cultural and Cooperation Centre is equipped with internet accessed computers, Norwegian literature, music and footage, free to use for the general public. In due course the centre may serve as a meeting place for Norwegian and Ukrainian organisations and companies. Its potential to serve as a point of contact is great in its capacity to hold seminars, lectures and courses and providing the premises for exhibitions, debates, movie sessions or any other exchange between the nations.


The legacy of Fridtjof Nansen (1861-1930) and his work in Kharkiv in the famine years 1922-23 is a powerful backdrop to the creation of such a centre. During the famine Fridtjof Nansen set up the headquarters for an international relief aid programme in Kharkiv. The efforts of the Nansen Mission saved many people from starvation. In remembrance of his contribution a plaque is situated in the centre of Kharkiv. Together with the vice governor of Kharkiv oblast, Yaroslav Yuschenko, the Ambassador laid down flowers in commemoration of Nansen’s humanitarian achievements.

The Ukrainian-Norwegian Culture and Cooperation Centre named after Fridtjof Nansen is located at Vul. Pushkinska 62, Kharkiv.

Contact persons for the cultural centre are Mr. Volodymyr Galperin and Mrs. Olga Perevala.

For contacting the centre please call  (8 057 764 51 23) or (8 057 700 26 62).

Amity cake

Photos: Isabel Kemp


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