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Norway’s official websites abroad
Small-scale grant projects funded by the Norwegian Embassy in Ukraine in 2016. Photo: cuinsight.com.Small-scale grant projects funded by the Norwegian Embassy in Ukraine in 2016. Photo: cuinsight.com

Small-scale grant projects funded by the Norwegian Embassy in Ukraine in 2016

Approximately NOK 6 million was divided between 14 small-scale projects out of over 100 applications submitted to the Norwegian Embassy in 2016.

The main purpose of the small-scale grant programme was to support the democratic development and implementation of critical reforms in Ukraine.

List of the small-scale grant recipients in 2016:

Name of the recipient

Title of the project

Short description of the project

Latvian Centre for Contemporary Art

Nordic-Baltic art exhibition "Identity"

‘Identity. Behind the Curtain of Uncertainty’ - the Nordic, Baltic and Ukrainian contemporary art exhibition at the National Art Museum of Ukraine was open to the public from 19th of March to 22nd of May 2016. The idea of organising a contemporary art exhibition emerged as a solidarity gesture towards the complex political situation in Ukraine.

More about the project. 

Norwegian - Ukrainian Chamber of Commerce

Road Map with policy recommendations for hydro projects in Ukraine

The roadmap has been developed by the Ukrainian NGO “EasyBusiness” and contains information on development and construction of the typical small hydro power plant in Ukraine.

Read the policy recommendations here.

Contemporary Dance Platform

Jo Strømgren Kompani participation in Zelyonka Festival, April 2016

Performance “There” by Jo Strømgren at Zelyonka Festival in Kyiv.

More about the performance.

Akershus University Hospital - Akershus universitetssykehus

Transfer of Competence to support in crisis, loss and bereavement

Sharing experience and methodology on bereavement group work with Ukrainian specialists (psychologists, social workers, priests and others) on overcoming of traumatic experiences, triggered among others by armed conflict in the Eastern Ukraine.

CSR - Centre for Corporate Social Responsibility Development, Ukraine  

CSR in Ukraine: risks and opportunities for Nordic Investors

Conducting of workshop  “CSR in Ukraine: Risks and Opportunities for Nordic investors” and developing CSR related page for foreign investors on CSR Ukraine's web-site.

Regional Development Office

Business Support Centre in Odessa

Establishing of Business Support Centre (Business Help-Desk) to provide  free legal consultations to small business entities in order to improve and simplify export/import as well as other business and trade activities in Odessa region.

Media Development Foundation

Mezhyhirya journalist festival 2016


This festival is a demonstration of freedom of expression; and also a Ceremony of Ukraine’s first Award for the best investigative journalism.

More about festival.

Institute for War and Peace Reporting

Training and Mini-Grants for Journalists

Training and Mini-Grants for Journalists to support journalists and democratic development of freedom of speech in Ukraine.

Foundation for support of reforms in Ukraine

Human resource support to critical reform initiatives in Ukraine

Recruiting short- to medium-term local Ukrainian experts and specialists from outside government to undertake assignments critical to reform within Ukrainian ministries.

Integration and Development Centre for Information and Research

Intercultural Education for democratic change in Ukraine

Developing new educational materials for intercultural courses in educational institutions in the several regions of Ukraine and involving them in inter-cultural and interregional dialogue. The results will be used in the educational system for further promotion of mutual understanding and cooperation in prevention of conflicts.

NATO Liaison Office in Ukraine

Young UA Security Forum 2016

Young Ukraine Security Forum 2016 is an international youth event aimed at giving young people an insight into international political, defence and security issues as well as providing them with a social and cultural experience in Kyiv.

National Democratic Institute

Culture of Consensus among Political Parties in Ukraine

Facilitating high-level cooperation and consensus building between faction leaders in the Verkhovna Rada through seminar in Paris and field studies in Europe.

The Joint Rescue Coordination Centre North-Norway  - Hovedredningssentralen Nord-Norge

Joint SAR Ukraine

The Joint Rescue Coordination Centre shares its experience with Kirovograd Flight Academy on how to work on and coordinate search and rescue operations.

Akershus University Hospital - Akershus universitetssykehus

Translation of manuals for bereavement group work

Translation of the manuals for bereavement group-work for children and adults from Norwegian to Ukrainian; publication and distribution among education institutions and centres in Ukraine.


Small-scale grants are managed by the Embassy, whereas the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Norway together with Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation NORAD manage grants for more extensive multi-year projects.

 Please visit the Ministry of Foreign Affairs' grants portal for overview of grants from the Ministry and NORAD.