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Gold for the Norwegian national culinary team

Norway’s national culinary team has taken gold in the prestigious Culinary World Cup for the first time. The team of eleven chefs won both the warm and cold food disciplines at the event held in Luxembourg on 22 and 23 November.

30/11/2006 :: Twenty-five teams competed at the World Cup. The Norwegian team took first place ahead of Sweden and Singapore with a total of 499 out of a possible 500 points.

“This demonstrates that both Norwegian produce and Norwegian chefs are of top international quality,” said Norwegian Minister of Agriculture and Food Terje Riis-Johansen when he congratulated the team.

The Norwegian team chose coastal Norway as its theme in the cold food category. The combination of Norwegian produce and Norwegian place names won over both the public and the judges. In the warm food competition, the team served a three-course meal of cod, King Crab and lamb.

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The Norwegian team took first place ahead of Sweden and Singapore.Photo: Tom Haga / Norges Kokkemesteres Landsforening

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