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Venues for contemporary dance, theatre and performance

The independent Norwegian companies lend vitality and originality to the Norwegian performing arts sector.

The main venue for experimental theatre and dance in Oslo is the Black Box Theatre, which consists of one large, and one small stage. The Black Box moved to a new Oslo location in early 2004, and boasts a state-of-the-art facility. In Bergen the major venue is BIT-Teatergarasjen (Bergen International Theatre Garage), while in Trondheim it is the Teaterhuset Avant Garden (Avant-Garden Theatre House). Together these three collaborating venues have established a performing arts network that showcases Norwegian as well as outstanding international companies in all three cities.

In recent years there has been closer contact between the theatre institutions and some of the more experimental companies. For example, Goksøyr/Martens Salong, who in July 2004 became the first company to represent Norway at the prestigious Avignon Theatre Festival, have staged their new performance, Askepott (Cinderella) at the Torshovteatret (Torshov Theatre), one of the National Theatre’s auxiliary stages. Riksteatret (Norway’s State Touring Theatre) and most of the other institutions have either collaborated with the independent companies or invited them to play in their houses.

Senter for Dansekunst (the Norwegian Center for the Art of Dance) has been instrumental in the establishment of a Norwegian Dansens Hus (House of Dance), expected to open its doors at approximately the same time as the new Norwegian Opera. The Norwegian Opera and the National Ballet will inaugurate their new performance centre in 2008. This centre will have several stages, at least one of which will be designed for more experimental contemporary dance and opera. In April 2004, Karene Lyngholm was appointed as the artistic and administrative director for the coming House of Dance.

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From Jesus Christ Superstar performed by Agder Teater in FjæreheiaPhoto: Kjartan Bjelland

Street theatre in BergenPhoto: Hans Jørgen Brun

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