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Norway’s official websites abroad

Doing business with Norwegian partners?

The Norwegian authorities wish to encourage foreign investment and the setting up of businesses in Norway.

Norway has a predictable business climate with high levels of productivity and expertise, an open economy and good access to major markets. Making the most of its natural resources is important for Norway, for instance by exporting seafood, oil and gas.

For more information, see the website of Invest in Norway.

Information about customs regulations can be found on the website of the Norwegian Directorate of Customs and Excise.


Entering Norway

All foreign nationals travelling to Norway must have a valid travel document, and for the vast majority of people this means a valid passport. Nationals of certain countries must in addition have a valid visa before travelling to Norway. Foreign nationals who are required to have a visa are also obliged to have travel medical insurance. European nationals must bring their national European health insurance card in order to have the costs of any treatment they may need covered while travelling in Europe. It is recommended that all foreign nationals have travel insurance that is valid for the whole trip.