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Work and residence permits

Below you will find information on how to apply and the conditions for obtaining work and residence permit in Norway.

11/03/2005 ::

A permit must be granted before going to Norway. This means that the application must be handed in at the Embassy. It will then be forwarded to Norwegian Directorate of Immigration for consideration. Please note that in addition to the documents provided in the applications, the authorities makes the decision based on total appraisement of the applicants individual situation. This means that documents alone not always determines whether a permit should be granted or not. A permit is normally given for 1 year at the time.

Permits can be granted for the following purposes (please click on the links in the list below for detailed information) :

Work permit as a specialist
The Norwegian Immigration Act was revised in 2001. The revision allows the Norwegian embassies to consider applications and grant permits without involvement of the Immigration authorities in Norway.

Documents required in original are:

  • Diploma of at least 3 year specialist education from vocational institution. Document must be officially translated into English and legalised by the Ukrainian authorities.Offer of employment.
  • Employer’s certificate of registration from the Brønnøysund register.Document from employer that the salary is according to normal practice, tarriff or wage scale.
  • Document from employer describing the scope of work and what competence is needed for the job.
  • When housing is provided by employer approval from the Labour Inspectorate must be presented.
  • All health personnel must have license from the Norwegian Registration Authority for Health Personnel . E-mail address: [email protected]

A permit is granted for full time employment only and with one specific employer. If the applicant is not a specialist, the application will be forwarded to Norwegian Directorate of Immigration.

Job seeker visa
The revision of the Norwegian Immigration Act in 2001 was made to facilitate recruitment of work force of high demand from countries outside the EEC areas. It opened for the possibility for citizens from this area to apply for visa to go to Norway and look for a job and apply for work permit from within Norway. Job seeker visa is given for not more than 3 months and is only open to specialists.

Documents required in original are:

  • Diploma of at least 3 year specialist education from vocational institution. Document must be officially translated into English and legalised by the Ukrainian authorities.
  • Documentation on financial means while in Norway. The requirement is NOK 500,- per day (approx USD 78,-).

It is a requirement that the applicant returns to the home country if job is not found or work permit not given.

Work permit for unskilled labour

Permit for unskilled labour is given to i.a. the following categories:

  • Trainee
  • Au-pair
  • Working guest
  • Seasonal worker
  • Employee in an activity that has a need for unskilled labour

A trainee is a person who wishes to acquire experience in a profession. It is a condition that the trainee work is of vital importance to the applicant’s competence and that it forms a natural part of the education in the home country. The permit as a trainee can be given immediately before, during or upon finishing the education. Documents to be provided are a standardised contract of employment for trainees and educational documents.

The purpose of the Au-pair institution is that young people through a temporary stay in a family shall have the possibility to increase their knowledge in language and possible profession knowledge, as well as extend their all-round education by obtaining a better knowledge about Norway.

The au-pair must be not younger that 18 years and not older than 30 years of age. Documents to be provided is a standardised contract of employment for au-pairs. A Working guest is a person who wants to acquire good konwledge of Norwegian agriculture and general culture. The guest forms part of the daily work and routine on a farm and will function as part of the family on that farm. He/she shall perform normal farm work or work in market gardens.

A standardised contract of employment for working guest has to be provided. A Seasonal worker shall work in typically seasonal regulated activity as for example harvesting in agriculture or berry picking in forests or in connection with ordinary holdiay relief. Document to be provided is an Offer of employment.

Residence permit for students

Documents required in original are:

  • Letter of admission or invitation for a full time study from an approved educational institution in Norway. List of approved institutions is available at the website of the Directorate of Immigration.
  • Study plan.
  • Financing plan and documentation on subsistence. Subsistence may be ensured through a student loan, a grant or scholarship, public funding from the applicant’s native country or private means for the time stipulated in the applicaltion.
  • Subsistence requirement is met if applicant receives full funding from the or has means at his/her disposal equivalent to full funding. Full funding from the State Educational Loan Fund amounts to NOK 80.000,- for the year 2004-2005. Economic support for school fees amounts to NOK 20.860.
  • Housing must be ensured through a house, flat, bed-sitter, room in a boarding house etc which satisfies the requirements of the health authorities. In case of a rental contract, this must be presented.Rates for board and lodging, pocket money and school material for the 2004/2005 school year is:
    • for board and lodging: NOK 4.000
    • for pocket money: NOK 2.500
    • for books/material: NOK 575

The student must return to his/her native country when the permit expires and education is finalised.

Residence permit for students at Folk High Schools

Documents required in original are:

  • Letter of admission or invitation from the school
  • Subsistence – NOK 56 400,- for year 2004-2005 for students living at the school.
  • Housing if the student shall live outside the school.

The student must return to his/her native country when the permit expires and education is finalised.


The fee for lodging an application for work and residence permit in Norway costs UAH 660 or USD 125.

The fee has to be payed before lodging the application, and only by bank account. The bank receipt must be presented together with the application

For USD payments: Account no. 01 003010 001 01 0
For UAH payments: Account no. 2600 1 003010000
Code 300379
Calyon Bank Ukraine, 23 A Volodymyrska str., 01034 Kiev, Ukraine

Payment in Ukraine can be done through any branch bank of Oshchadbank. Norwegians that will pay the fee from Norway can use the USD account.

Should you require additional information please visit the web site of the Norwegian Directorate of Immigration or contact the Embassy at

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