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Norway’s official websites abroad
Photo: icphso.org.Photo: icphso.org

Call for Proposals: Embassy small-scale grants 2017. Deadline April 18, 2017

The Norwegian Embassy in Kyiv is announcing a small-scale grant programme for Ukraine and Belarus for 2017.

Who can apply: Ukrainian, Belarussian, Norwegian or international non-profit organizations and institutions duly registered. Applicant should be a legal entity that has a capacity to enter into legal agreements.

How to apply: Fill in the Ministry’s application form, attach planned budget and any other relevant documents and send to . Please note that any other forms of applications will not be considered.

Priority thematic areas for projects in Ukraine are:

  • good governance
  • democratic development
  • human rights
  • European integration

Projects related to energy efficiency can be considered.

Priority thematic areas for projects in Belarus are:

  • good governance
  • democratic development
  • human rights

Projects related to European integration or energy efficiency can be considered

As a general rule maximum sum of the grant will be NOK 500 000 for Ukraine, and NOK 100 000 for Belarus.

Project period: up to 12 months.

Application requirements: Applicants should

  • clearly define the projects main objectives (impact and outcomes) and target group in the application
  • attach well-structured realistic and cost-effective planned budget including an overview of funding from other sources ( administrative costs/overhead exceeding 5% will, as a main rule, not be accepted.)
  • submit measurable results framework and a risk assessment, including measures mitigating corruption
  • must, as a general rule, ensure sustainability and local ownership. The project must aim at continuing without Norwegian public support (exit strategy). If not applicable, an argument why, should be included.
  • if relevant consider impact for cross-cutting issues: human rights, women’s rights and gender equality


When relevant, applications shall refer to the UN Security Council Resolution 1325 on women, peace and security (s/res/1325 (2000)). How the intentions of this resolution will be addressed must be evident in the project design.

Applicants considered for support by the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs under the same grant schemes will not be considered.

Evaluation of the application: Only Ministry’s application forms will be processed. Application submitted after April 18 will not be considered. Short-list candidates will be contacted for further information, if needed. Questions regarding application should be directed to the email address

Embassy is practicing zero tolerance towards any form of corruption and financial irregularities within and related to projects/programmes. The zero tolerance policy applies to all staff members, consultants and other non-staff personnel, contractor, implementing partners and beneficiaries of the grant. Zero tolerance towards all kinds of:

  • corruption, including bribery, nepotism and illegal gratuities;
  • misappropriation of cash, inventory and all other kinds of assets;
  • financial and non-financial fraudulent statements;
  • all other use of Project funds not in accordance with the Agreement and the latest agreed Application, implementation plan and budget.


Grant recipients must be firmly committed to prevent, detect and manage financial irregularities and:

  • organize their operations and internal control systems in a way that financial irregularities are prevented and detected;
  • cooperate fully to prevent, stop and handle financial irregularities within and related to the Project;
  • require that all staff involved in, and any consultants, suppliers and contractors financed under the Project refrain from financial irregularities.


Embassy and MFA will react if Embassy and/or MFA determines that financial irregularities have occurred. Any  repayment claim may also include interest, investment income or any other financial gain obtained as a result of the financial irregularity.


Furthermore, the following activities cannot be supported:

  • Applications for grants not eligible for classification as official development assistance (ODA).
  • Financing of export or import of goods and services.
  • Marketing of goods and services.
  • Operating costs exceeding the start-up phase.
  • Establishment and operation of business in Norway.
  • Development or testing of new technology.
  • Transportation costs related to relief aid consignments.

Other funding possibilities 

Eurasian region: The Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Oslo handles applications for projects and programmes on a bigger scale (multi-year programmes with cost of ca. NOK 20 million). The call for these proposals is open by March 31, 2017. More about Ministry’s call for proposals is here: https://www.regjeringen.no/no/dep/ud/tilskuddsmidler/utlyste_tilskudd/utlysing_oda/id2542885/

Education and research projects are funded and administered by the Norwegian Centre for International Cooperation in Education (SIU-https://www.siu.no/eng) It is a public Norwegian agency that promotes international cooperation in education and research. The call for applications for funding of joint projects under the Eurasia Programme is open by 15:00 (Norwegian time) September 22, 2017. More information here: https://www.siu.no/eng/Programme-information/Cooperation-outside-the-EU/eurasia-programme

Literature: Organizers of festivals and conferences can apply for funding to invite Norwegian authors and lecturers to their events. This also applies to universities offering instruction in Norwegian language-related subjects. The Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs’ funding programme for development cooperation – Field of Literature. NORLA administrates an annual fund for travel grants on behalf of the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs with the aim to support partners in the field of literature in developing countries.  The main objective of the grant scheme is to promote a vibrant, free and independent cultural sector in developing countries.

Read more here: http://norla.no/en/subsidies

Films: approximately € 1.6 million will be granted for film production support from 2015-2018 through an inter-departmental cooperation between the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and The Norwegian Ministry of Culture. The Norwegian Film Institute and the Films from the South Foundation will jointly be in charge of the administration of the fund. Read more here: http://www.filmfrasor.no/sorfond/about

Music Norway: https://www.stikk.no/reisestotte/index.php?action=7&ordningid=2&f=konsert