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Norway’s official websites abroad

Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs announced Call for Proposals: Support to democratic development in the Eurasian region.

Photo: erepublikkk.com.Photo: erepublikkk.com

Call for Proposals, Grants to other ODA-eligible OSCE countries (Eurasia). Deadline is 31 March 2017.

The overriding objective of the grant scheme is to support democratic development in the Eurasian region. Support to Ukraine, Georgia and Moldova will be prioritised.

Prioritised themes are facilitation of European integration and cooperation and support to governance reform including competence building in public institutions. Other areas of interest are support to human rights, independent media, rule of law, educational reform, and strengthening of energy security through energy sector reform and energy efficiency.

Application requirements

  • Applicants must use the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs' (MFA) forms: S01 (Norwegian) or S51 (English). Application forms are available at the website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
  • Only legal entities with capacity to enter into legal agreements may apply. Accurate and sufficient information about the legal structure of the organisation must be provided in the application.
  • Applicants must describe project/programme partners and provide a full overview of their owners.
  • Applicants must identify the specific beneficiaries of the proposed project/programme.
  • Applications must have clearly defined objectives which facilitates satisfactory reporting on results and comprehensive risk assessments. Clear goals with indicators must be developed at activity level. The sum of the activities' effect on beneficiaries (outcome) must give an indication of results achieved at society level (impact).
  • Applicants shall identify, assess and mitigate any relevant risks associated with the implementation of the project/programme, including the risk of corruption and other financial irregularities, and any potential negative effects that the project/programme may have on the environment and climate, gender equality and human rights.
  • A full, detailed budget and financing plan, including an overview of funding from other sources, must be submitted.
  • Applicants must have assessed how the project/programme fits in with other relevant actors' activities in order to fil gaps rather than overlap with other efforts.
  • Applicants must ensure sustainability and local ownership. The project/programme must aim at continuing without Norwegian public support (exit strategy).
  • Applicants must be able to document established contact with local and/or international cooperating partners, having assessed, as far as possible, their reliability.
  • Applicants must be able to document relevant qualifications and competence, including results achieved through previous projects/programmes.
  • Applicants must demonstrate a solid knowledge of the challenges within the relevant thematic area in the country/region in question.
  • Applicants shall seek to limit administrative costs. Administrative costs/overhead exceeding 5% will, as a main rule, not be accepted.
  • When relevant, applications shall refer to the UN Security Council Resolution 1325 on women, peace and security (s/res/1325 (2000)). How the intentions of this resolution will be addressed must be evident in the project design.

Only one application will be accepted from each potential grant recipient. Several activities may be included in each project and included in the same application.

Applicants with a former record of weak reporting or weak financial management or lack of satisfactory results, will not be prioritised (former MFA-financed projects/programmes).

Applications submitted which do not meet the above-mentioned requirements will not be eligible for a grant.

Within available funds the following will be given priority:

  • Projects/programmes with a three-year planning period.
  • Projects/programmes of a sufficient size (20 mill. NOK) in order to secure efficient use and management of the grants.
  • Projects/programmes with clearly defined objectives which facilitate satisfactory reporting on results.

Projects/programmes not compatible with the EEA-agreement provisions on state-aid (ref. lov om offentlig støtte) will not be considered. (Veileder om EØS-avtalens regler om offentlig støtte er publisert på Nærings- og fiskeridepartementets hjemmesider)

Furthermore, the following activities cannot be supported:

  • Applications for grants not eligible for classification as official development assistance (ODA).
  • Financing of export or import of goods and services.
  • Marketing of goods and services.
  • Operating costs exceeding the start-up phase.
  • Establishment and operation of business in Norway.
  • Development or testing of new technology.
  • Transportation costs related to relief aid consignments.


Zero tolerance towards financial irregularities

The MFA practices zero tolerance towards any financial irregularities within and related to projects/programmes. The zero tolerance policy applies to all staff members, consultants and other non-staff personnel, contractor, implementing partners and beneficiaries of the grant. Zero tolerance towards all kinds of:

a) corruption, including bribery, nepotism and illegal gratuities;
b) misappropriation of cash, inventory and all other kinds of assets;
c) financial and non-financial fraudulent statements;
d) all other use of Project funds not in accordance with the Agreement and the latest agreed Application, implementation plan and budget.

Grant recipients must be firmly committed to prevent, detect and manage financial irregularities and:

a) organise their operations and internal control systems in a way that financial irregularities are prevented and detected;
b) cooperate fully to prevent, stop and handle financial irregularities within and related to the Project;
c) require that all staff involved in, and any consultants, suppliers and contractors financed under the Project refrain from financial irregularities.

MFA will react if MFA determines that financial irregularities have occurred.

Any repayment claim may also include interest, investment income or any other financial gain obtained as a result of the financial irregularity.

Deadline: 31 March 2017.

Applications, using the Ministry's application form, must be sent electronically to [email protected] with a copy to [email protected].

Please state clearly that the application is for the grant scheme 164.73 Project Cooperation with Eurasia

Please note: Applications submitted after the deadline will not be processed.

If you have any other questions, please contact:
Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs,
Section for Russia, Eurasia and regional cooperation
PO Box 8114, Dep.
N-0032 Oslo
E-mail: [email protected].

Questions related to project/programme support regarding higher education should be directed to Norwegian Centre for International Cooperation in Education.


[1] The Eurasian region: Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Kazakhstan, the Kyrgyz Republic, Moldova, Tajikistan, Ukraine. Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan as part of regional cooperation projects.

Sourse: https://www.regjeringen.no/no/dep/ud/tilskuddsmidler/utlyste_tilskudd/utlysing_oda/id2542885/